How to Go to See a Doctor in Taiwan
Nowadays, we have found more and more hospitals in Taiwan. Most of us will feel confused. We do not know how to go to see a doctor in Taiwan. For us, the hospital is just like a maze. But if we follow the steps bellow, we can deal with this problem easily. Following, we will take an example about how to go to see a doctor in Chang Gung Memorial hospital.
First of all, when we arrive Chang Gung Memorial hospital, we should find where to register. We can find a place that shows “Registered Bureau.” Then we should line up and wait for registering. When it is our turn, we give our National Health Insurance Card (NHIC) to the personnel and tell them which doctor we want to see. Next, we will get a number card. Take our number card to find the doctor and wait for calling .
Wait for a moment, the nurse will tell us to come into the room. We see the doctor and give him or her our NHIC. Second, tell the doctor what symptoms we have. Usually, the doctor will ask us some questions to get more information about our disorder. After that, he or she will give us a prescription and tell us to comply with some hints. Remember to keep the doctor’s words in mind. Complying with their words will help us recover from our illness sooner. Then we can go to get medicine.
After getting the prescription, we should go to another place to pay medical bill. We can see a place that shows “Medicine Getting Bureau.” In this step, it contains two parts. One is to pay the expenses of registration, and the other is the medical expenses. At the same time, the personnel will give us our medicine and tell us the rules about how to take medicine. Finally, we can go home and take a rest. We have finished all the procedures of going to see a doctor.
We often feel that go to see a doctor is a troublesome matter for we many a time get lost in a hospital. But if we can keep to all the tips above, we will not have to worry about it anymore. We can go to see a doctor successfully without any trouble.